Corporate Values
We advocate on behalf of people with disabilities.
CSO operates on basic values and principles that inform and guide the actions it takes in developing policies and implementing practices in operation.

We see the strengths and abilities in everyone and promote “choice”, self-determination and independence in all individuals.
We strive to inform, offer, coordinate and advocate about a comprehensive array of appropriate services and resources for people with disabilities.
We do not limit or discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, disability, or any protected class in our delivery of services for which individuals are eligible or entitled.
We encourage the input, feedback and participation of stakeholders as well as conduct “barrier-free” operations relevant to our programs, physical accommodations, language, culture and attitude.
We conduct needs assessment, strategic planning and evaluation in order to ensure that intended outcomes are achieved and that constituents are “satisfied” as revealed in measures of effectiveness and efficiency.
We create and implement policies, procedures and controls in order to maximize utilization of resources and we adhere to legal requirements and maintain an image of integrity worthy of the public trust.