Our Services
Community Service Options, Inc., (CSO) offers a wide array of support services to its clients. All services are delivered by our highly skilled, professional staff members

CSO’s Intake Specialists register service requests, create a “case” record and dispatch a Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP) to coordinate eligibility determination, assessments, applications, arrangements and advocacy for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (epilepsy, autism, cerebral palsy and related physical and cognitive impairments). Intake Specialists obtain information about individuals’ service needs, diagnoses, service histories, legal status, medications, medical treatments, household income and insurance. Using this information, Intake screens for each person’s potential eligibility for a variety of services. Intake provides each person with information about the general process to access services. When necessary, Intake refers individuals elsewhere, to appropriate resources that will meet their needs.
Contact our Intake Department for more Information at (773) 471-4740 or toll free at (888) 276-4467.
Service Coordination (Case Management) refers to comprehensive acts of gathering information, communication, service arrangement and advocacy on behalf of individuals who require assistance. It is a function performed by the Qualified Intellectual Disability Professionals (QIDPs) on CSO’s staff. CSO’s QIDPs evaluate and document each individual’s needs, abilities and service requests. Based on an analysis of the individual’s medical, psychological, educational and social background, QIDPs determine and inform individuals of “appropriate” services. They oversee the development and implementation of an Individual Service Plan (ISP). The elements of case management services are:
- Personalization Services appropriate to the consumer’s needs and eligibility
- Cultural competence with sensitivity and flexibility
- Contacting and advocating on behalf of the individual even after placement in services has been achieved. Each individual’s service plan is reviewed and revised yearly (or as often as necessary) to accurately reflect the progress and needs of the individual.
PAS is conducted by CSO’s Qualified Intellectual Disability Professionals in a face to face interview. This can be done at the home of the person seeking services, at CSO’s office, or at a preferred location of the service seeker. At the time of this process, the ISC conducts a comprehensive assessment of the person’s ability to function independently and in the community. The ISC gathers educational, diagnostic and medical records, observes the person in natural settings and interviews the person and family members (if available) about their history, needs and service requests. If necessary, the ISC orders additional assessments: psychological, medical and other functional evaluations in order to determine the individual’s appropriate level of need for care. As a result of this process, the ISC is able to develop a plan and arrange services that reflect both the accumulated functional information as well as the person’s/family’s preferences for service type, location, culture and environment.
Through its Individual Service and Support Advocates (ISSA), CSO conducts face-to-face contacts (at least two times a year) with individuals who receive (disability-related) services from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS).
Responsibilities of ISSA include:
- Developing the annual personal plan;
- Assisting individuals with linkage and applications for Waiver and non-Waiver services;
- Monitoring individuals’ progress toward identified outcomes;
- Determining whether provided services are appropriate and satisfactory;
- Ensuring that the individuals’ rights are respected and that health, safety, interests, and welfare are sustained.
CSO’s Individual Service and Support Advocates (ISSAs) travel to rehabilitation and residential settings where individuals live and work to confirm each individual’s well-being and that services are being provided according to their personal plans. They communicate with service providers, families/guardians and state government administrators, regarding the status and needs of the individual who is being served.
The purpose of Individual Service and Support Advocacy is to provide an independent, comprehensive and objective “voice” as well as a resource for the individuals we serve. It assures quality, “choice” and services appropriate to individual’s needs.
CSO provides case management services to individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injury resulting in mental and/or physical disabilities. Chronic and permanent disabilities caused by heart attack, stroke, car accident, violent crime, etc. affect individuals’ intellectual, physical and emotional functions as well as their abilities to retain gainful employment. Case Management is responsible for helping individuals to assess and adapt to “new” or different lifestyles by identifying “supports” that will be needed. Most often, individuals require rehabilitative therapies, in-home support services (housekeeping and personal care), meals on wheels, and ongoing advocacy to ensure safety and progress toward rehabilitation. CSO’s case managers call and visit service recipients on a monthly basis. Initially, they assess consumers’ needs for in-home supports, help develop Individual Service Plans and make service arrangements. Once services are in place, they continue to monitor implementation of the “plan” and the delivery of services. Each plan is reviewed on a yearly basis and is revised as necessary.
Community Service Options, Inc. (CSO) operates a Respite Voucher Program for the Illinois Department of Human Services – Division of Developmental Disability (DHS-DDD) that provides funding for families caring for individuals with intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) and in need of respite services.
What is Voucher Respite?
Voucher Respite program provides funding for planned or emergency care provided to an individual with an I/DD in order to provide temporary relief to the caregiver of such individual.
Voucher Respite is on a temporary basis in a non-state funded setting, including the family home. Respite services strengthen family systems while protecting the health and well-being of both caregivers and care recipients.
Individuals who receive respite services must have a developmental disability.
Individuals must reside in the City of Chicago and not currently receive any I/DD funded services. Exception will be made for individuals in day programs only.
Primary caregiver must reside in the same physical location as the person needing and/or receiving respite services.
For more information, please call 773-471-4740.